Data protection statement

A. Responsible for data processing

MADA Marx Datentechnik GmbH
Hinterhofen 4
78052 Villingen-Schwenningen

Tel.: +49 7721 8848–0
Fax: +49 7721 8848–20

are responsible for the processing of personal data on our website according to the rules of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). With this data protection statement, we would like to inform you about the methods, scope and purposes of the processing of your personal data (hereinafter only called “data”).

B. Data use, processing purposes and legal bases

We process data during contact establishment, the utilization of our services (e.g. newsletter registration), as well as visiting our website. Personal data will only be used and processed for the purpose for which you have provided these data, e.g. by consent or to fulfil our contractual obligations. In addition, the data is processed to protect our legitimate interests. The specific processing purposes, the data concerned as well as the legal basis of data processing are listed below:

a) Purpose website visit
We record your visit on our websites, processing the following data: Name of the website accessed, date and time of access, the data volume transferred, browsertype and version, the user’s operating system, the referrer URL (the previously visited site), your IP address and the requesting provider. We collect these data on the basis of our legal interest within the meaning of Art. 6 Section 1 f) GDPR.

b) Contact establishment
If you contact us by contact form or by e-mail, your information, last name, first name, e-mail address, your message, are only processed for the purpose of handling and processing your inquiry. We process these data on the basis of your consent according to Article 6 Section 1 a) GDPR.

C. Cookie usage

a) In general
In order to provide an attractive visit on our website and allow the utilization of certain functions, we are using so-called cookies on different sites. Cookies are small text files stored on your end device. Some of them are deleted after the end of the browser session, i.e. after you close your browser (so-called session cookies). Other cookies remain on your end device and enable us or our partner companies to recognize your browser on the next visit (persistent cookies).

You can delete all cookies stored on your computer and adjust most browsers to prevent the storage of cookies. You can find out e.g. here how this is done:

In general, web browsers are currently set by default to accept cookies automatically. On these sites you will learn how to change this basic settings – also from this website.
Internet Explorer

In this case, you may have to make some settings manually each time you visit a page and accept the impairment of some functions.

We are using cookies to personalize contents and advertisements and to analyze the accesses to our website.

c) Details regarding the cookies used

Technically required cookies

NameProviderPurposeExpiry this cookie, a session ID, i.e. a randomly created identification number for your session, is stored. This cookie will be deleted – depending on your browser settings – when closing a tab or window which has set this cookie. This allows for example to enter previously completed fields of a form automatically by the browser.Session your consent status for cookies on the current domain.1 year
Randomly use WP Cerberus to protect against attacks and spam by third parties. This tool generates randomly created cookie names.1 day cookie is used to prevent hacker attacks through malicious links that are foisted on a website operator.Session use WP Cerberus to protect against attacks and spam by third parties. This cookie is created by the tool.2 weeks


_pk_id* cookie is used by Matomo to store an explicit user ID.1 year
_pk_ses* cookie is used by Matomo to store an explicit session ID.Session

D.    D. Period of data retention

We only store personal data for as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed or until your given consent is revoked. As far as legal retention periods have to be observed (e.g. commercial or fiscal periods), the duration of storage of certain data can be up to 10 years.

E. Your rights as person affected

a) Information
Upon request, you can obtain information at any time and free of charge about all personal data stored.

b) Correction, deletion, limitation of processing (blocking), objection
If you no longer agree to the storage of your personal data or the data has become incorrect, we will arrange, upon instruction, for a deletion or blocking of your data, make the necessary corrections (as far as this is possible in accordance with the applicable law). The same applies for a future limited data processing.

c) Data transferability
We store your data in a transferable form so that it can be transferred to another company upon your request.

d) Execution of your rights as person affected
In case of questions about your personal data processing, information, correction, blocking, objection or deletion of data or the request for data transfer to another company, please contact:

Marx Datentechnik GmbH
Hinterhofen 4
78052 Villingen-Schwenningen
Tel.: +49 7721 8848–0
Fax: +49 7721 8848–20

e) Our data protection manager
Furthermore, our data protection officer, Mr. Michael Schill will take care of all issues related to our data handling. In case of questions, suggestions or complaints, please contact him by e-mail:

f) Right of appeal
Furthermore, your have the right to submit a complaint to the responsible regulatory authority (

Please note:
In case of data which are not serving to identify the person affected, respectively if they had been anonimized for analytical purposes, are not covered by the above mentioned rights. Information, deletion, blocking, correction or transfer to another company are potentially possible in relation to these data if you provide us additional information which allow an identification.

F. Right to withdraw consents with effect for the future

You can revoke any given consents with effect for the future at any time. Data for billing and accounting purposes are not affected by a revocation or deletion. Your revocation does not affect the legality of processing up to the time of revocation.

  • You can send your consent e.g. by e-mail to

G. Security

We protect the transmission of your data with a secure (AES 256 bit) TLS connection. TLS (transport layer security) is a security technology which guarantees a secure transfer of your personal data via the internet, not visible for third parties. Encrypted data: The following data will be encrypted: Personal data (name, address).